
National Rice Development Strategy

Ministry of Agriculture NRDS (2008-18)
Rice map

List of Projects, Needs SIEM

Identified needs SIEM

Identified priority areas of intervention

Overall analysis of Concept Notes

Rice Statistics

Government Task Force Focal Point

Name Position Email

Mr. Emmanuel Ogwal

Senior Agricultural Officer (Grains and Pulses), Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries



Code Title
UG-1 Dissemination of NERICA and Improved Rice Production Systems to Reduce Poverty and Food Deficit in Uganda FAO  Japan
UG-2 Project for Agriculture and Rural Development through Innovative Rice-based Farming Systems for Food Security and Poverty Reduction in the Republic of Uganda FAO  Japan
UG-3 Participatory evaluation of upland rice varieties and determination of suitable crop management practices in Uganda Rockefeller
UG-4 The National Agricultural Advisory Services Programme Common Basket
UG-5 Promotion of NARIC 3 Upland Rice in Uganda for Sustainable Household Food Security and Incomes project UNDP
UG-6 Private Sector Development & Consultancy Center (PRICON) UNDP
UG-7 Farm Income Enhancement and Forest Conservation Project (FIEFOC) AfDB,

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UG-8 Agricultural Productivity Enhancement Program (APEP) USAID
UG-9 Livelihood and Enterprises for Agricultural Development (LEAD) Project USAID
UG-10 Investment in Developing Export Agriculture (IDEA) USAID
UG-11 Area-Based Agricultural Modernization Programme (AAMP) AfDB, IFAD and
Government of Uganda
UG-12 District Livelihood Support Programme IFAD Belgium
UG-13 Community Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement Programme AfDB and IFAD
UG-14 Rural Financial Services Programme IFAD
UG-15 Technical Assistance Support to Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture Development Project In Eastern Uganda JICA
UG-16 Technical Assistance Support to NERICA Rice Promotion Project JICA
UG-17 The Grant Aid Project for Establishment of Regional Rice Training and Research Center in the National Crops Resources Research Institute in the Republic of Uganda JICA
UG-18 Agriculture Technology and Advisory Services Project WORLD BANK
UG-20 Emergency Rice Project AFRICA RICE
UG-21 Stress-tolerant rice for poor farmers in Africa and South Asia AFRICA RICE
UG-22 Developing the next generation of new rice varieties for sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia AFRICA RICE
UG-23 Green Super Rice for Resource-Poor of Africa and Asia AFRICA RICE
UG-24 Interspecific Hybridization Project AFRICA RICE
UG-25 Mitigating impact of climate change on rice disease resistance AFRICA RICE
UG-26 Agricultural Planning Advisor JICA


Concept Notes

Code Title File
UG-a Seed Generation, Multiplication, Distribution PDF/63KB
UG-b Rice Yield Enhancement PDF/80KB
UG-c Water for Rice Production PDF/63KB
UG-d Rice Production Mechanization PDF/62KB
UG-e Support to Rice Value Addition and Improve Marketing PDF/62KB
UG-f Rice Industry Secretariat Strengthening PDF/83KB
UG-g Generation  and dissemination of Information/Knowledge PDF/28KB



IFAD-funded Studies on Mapping of PRSPs, Sector Strategies and Policies related to Rice Development

Title File
National Report: Uganda PDF/1.08MB